Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Ugly Tree bedtime Story

This is the Ugly Tree Story. Once upon a
time, a forest had straight and beautiful
trees but in this forest, there was one tree
whose trunk was bent, hunched and very
different from all the other trees around it.
The crooked tree often sighed for his ugly
look. It used to look enviously to other tall
and slender trees and felt sad for it’s ugly
look. The branches of this tree were also
twisted. The other trees laughed and made
fun of this tree by calling it hunchback.
This made the tree very sad. Whenever it
looked at the other trees, it sighed, “I wish
I was like other beautiful trees. God has
been so cruel to me!” One day a
woodcutter came to the forest to cut the
wood. He saw the hunchback tree and
crumbled, “This twisted tree is useless to
me! It’s better not to cut this.” And then
he cut down all the straight and smooth
The woodcutter went ahead sparing the
crooked tree. The hunchback tree then
realized that god had saved his life by
making him a twisted tree. The tree
thanked his crookedness and never ever it
sighed for his ugly look in the future. He
was very thankful to god.